SONNENTOR adventure

Herb garden, Hildegard trail and garden for cheeky cherubs

Three gardens at SONNENTOR in Sprögnitz give visitors a chance to experience herbs with all five senses. This TOP excursion destination is a w0nderful place for kids and adults to spend a relaxing time with the whole family.

The lovingly laid-out herb garden is filled with the blossoms and fragrances of a variety of herbs and rare plants.

In her books, Hildegard von Bingen described how various illnesses could be treated with plants. You can find out more about this subject on the Hildegard herb oasis theme path at SONNENTOR.

Children can taste herbs as well as strawberries and other fruits at the garden for cheeky cherubs. The herb village is a great outing even for very young visitors thanks to the water playground, the huge hammock-swing and much more.