Golfresort Haugschlag


This business is excellent…

  • Star rating system: 4 stars

Your stay

You don't need a great deal of imagination to imagine the gently undulating hilly landscape of the Waldviertel as the perfect setting for golf. Here, nature is in charge. The exquisite, 4-star Haugschlag golf resort is situated in the heart of the golfing paradise, right on the green.

This is what other guests say about this host: Golfresort Haugschlag

Excellent golf hotel. Fantastic service.

Good to know

  • Pleasant hotel grounds

  • Friendly service

  • Delicious food

Highlights from the 101 ratings

  • Cleanliness

    5.0 / 5
    5 ratings
  • Food

    5.0 / 5
    17 ratings
  • Service

    4.6 / 5
    19 ratings
    • „Nearby activities“
  • Amenities

    4.4 / 5
    15 ratings
  • Room

    4.1 / 5
    12 ratings
    • „Rooms nice“
  • Location

    3.0 / 5
    8 ratings
  • Value

    2.5 / 5
    5 ratings
  • Food

    5.0 / 5
    5 ratings

Features of accommodations

  • Detailed features of accommodations
    Lounge area, Baby bed, Baby highchair, Baby-care room, Bar, Café/bistro, Breakfast room, Suitable for wheelchairs, Comfortable atmosphere, Hotel safe, Internet usage options, Reading room, Sunbathing lawn, Elevator, Modern atmosphere, Restaurant in the establishment, Sauna, Shop/kiosk, Terrace/guest garden, TV in the room, Washing machine, Winter garden, Wifi, Room with balcony
  • Service
    Beauty applications, Diet kitchen, Bicycle storage room, Breakfast buffet, Garage, Luggage service, Drinks for sale in the establishment, Half board, Pets allowed, Coffee and cake, Cold snacks, Childcare, Children's discounts, Pick-up frm the nearest train station, Natural cooking/wholefoods, Parking, Shoe cleaning machine, Daily newspaper, Transfer/shuttle service, Vegetarian cuisine, Warm snacks, Laundry service, Wake-up service
  • Sports/recreation
    Wellness offers, Billiard, Steam bath, Bike rentals, Golf course, Massage, Sauna, Indoor swimming pool
  • Host meeting
    Projector, Flip chart, Internet connection in conference room, Conference room, Loudspeaker, Screen
  • We speak ...
    German, English, Czech
  • Capacities
    Beds: 114, Double rooms: 37, Suites: 20, Rooms with balcony: 53
  • Location
    calm environment

Location and how to get there

Inquire about Golfresort Haugschlag

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