Dobersberg-Thayatal Nature Park

Covering an area of 200 hectares, is situated to the north of the Waldviertel.

The remains of alluvial forests, a fern gorge, river meanders, anthills and extensive areas of marsh are all part of these natural unspoilt Thaya meadowlands. Introductory courses in the "Arena Geomantica" (site of spiritual strength).

Romantic paths and tracks lead across the extensive Thaya meadows, over wooded ridges and along the banks of the river. The divining rod trail offers particularly sensitive visitors the chance to explore radiesthetically active points. To this end special walks led by expert guides can be booked.

The information center of the Nature Park is housed in Dobersberg Castle. In addition to a collection of minerals, the local wildlife and insect illustrates are also locatet there.

Professional guided walks for groups or individuals by appointment (until 1 November). T +43 2843 26161