Landhotel Yspertal
Landhotel Yspertal©

Your stay
Willkommen in einem lässigen Haus. Wir pflegen einen entspannten Umgang untereinander und mit unseren Gästen - das merkt frau/man sofort. Unsere Stammgäste lieben uns dafür und schätzen die familiäre Atmosphäre im Haus. Im Mittelpunkt stehen unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter; sie sind die eigentlichen GastgeberInnen und ChefInnen, während wir laufend in die Neugestaltung unserer Zimmer investieren.
Welcome to a casual house. We maintain a relaxed atmosphere among ourselves and with our guests - that is immediately noticeable. Our regular guests love us for this and appreciate the family atmosphere in the house. The focus is on our staff; they are the real hosts and bosses, while we are constantly investing in the redesign of our rooms.
The Landhotel Yspertal has 37 rooms of different categories. In addition to standard single and double rooms, we offer apartment-like family rooms and newly renovated single and double rooms in the main house in the categories "Kornmandl" and "Herzstein". They feature underfloor heating/cooling, have daylight in all bathrooms and are equipped with smart furniture.
We are a house of success and pay attention - wherever possible - to sustainable and responsible treatment of our environment. In the new rooms, we have included a service water circuit for the toilets; when insulating the walls, we prefer to use straw; we wash our laundry with ecological and degradable detergents and before we throw anything away, we consider whether and how we can upcycle and reuse it.
Our focus is on the seminar business. We have four seminar rooms (ranging in size from 40 to almost 100 square metres) available for this purpose, as well as all the necessary equipment for seminars and events.