Schlosshotel Rosenau


This business is excellent…

  • Star rating system: 4 stars superior

Your stay

Lassen Sie sich verwöhnen und inspirieren: Von der Schönheit der Landschaft, von regionalen Gaumenfreuden und vom vielfältigen Kulturangebot.

Das Hochzeits- und Urlaubsschloss im Herzen des Waldviertels erfüllt all Ihre Wünsche. Alles hier zeugt von einer sorgsamen Hand. So versteht sich die Hausherrin als Bewahrerin wertvollen Gutes, was ihr anvertraut wurde und das es für die Zukunft zu erhalten gibt. Die Hotelzimmer eines Schlosses würdig, in denen es sich wohnen, träumen und residieren läßt. Wer sich dem Zauber des Ambientes hingibt und statt eines hypermodernen Hotels eine Freizeit-Oase mit antikem Flair sucht ist hier sicher richtig. Hier fühlen sich Hochzeitsgäste, Urlauber u. Seminarteilnehmer besonders wohl.

This is what other guests say about this host: Schlosshotel Rosenau

Excellent romantic hotel. Good for sightseeing with nearby parking areas.

Good to know

  • Wonderful sightseeing

  • Friendly atmosphere

  • Very quiet

  • Professional service

  • Wonderful sightseeing

  • Great room

    • „Cool showers“
  • Great location

  • Fantastic service

    • „Perfect service“
    • „Great service“

Highlights from the 225 ratings

  • Location

    5.0 / 5
    39 ratings
  • Cleanliness

    5.0 / 5
    8 ratings
  • Service

    4.7 / 5
    56 ratings
    • „Perfect service“
    • „Great service“
  • Room

    4.5 / 5
    37 ratings
    • „Cool showers“
  • Breakfast

    4.4 / 5
    19 ratings
  • Food

    4.0 / 5
    52 ratings
  • Location

    5.0 / 5
    6 ratings
  • Service

    4.8 / 5
    5 ratings
    • „Perfect service“
    • „Great service“
  • Room

    4.2 / 5
    5 ratings
    • „Cool showers“

Features of accommodations

  • Detailed features of accommodations
    Lounge area, Baby bed, Baby-care room, Bar, Café/bistro, Family-like atmosphere, Breakfast room, Comfortable atmosphere, Historical atmosphere, Hotel safe, Internet usage options, Elevator, Luxurious atmosphere, Smoke-free host, Restaurant in the establishment, Wheelchair accessible toilet facilities, Romantic atmosphere, Sauna, Terrace/guest garden, TV in the room, Changing mat, Wifi
  • Service
    Beauty applications, Handicapped parking, Bus parking, Buses welcome, Bicycle storage room, Breakfast possible, Breakfast, Breakfast buffet, Luggage service, Luggage transport, Half board, Pets allowed, Coffee and cake, Children's discounts, Pick-up frm the nearest train station, Parking, Shoe cleaning machine, Daily newspaper, Vegetarian cuisine, Warm snacks, Laundry service, Pets on request
  • Sports/recreation
    Hiking trails, Wellness offers, E-bike rental, Sunbathing lawn, Steam bath, Bike rentals, Garden, Running track, Massage, Horseback riding option, Sauna, Tanning salon
  • Host meeting
    Projector, Flip chart, Conference room, Loudspeaker, Screen
  • We speak ...
    , , ,
  • Capacities
    Beds: 34, Rooms: 17, Single rooms: 4, Double rooms: 4, Three bed rooms: 2, Suites: 13, Restaurants: 1, Maximum groupsize: 100, Conventionrooms: 3, Conventionrooms from(size in m²): 25, Conventionrooms to(size in m²): 80
  • Location
    rural location, calm environment
  • Distance
    to the next ski lift: 13 km, to the next stop: 0.5 km, to the airport: 150 km, to the next train station: 9 km, to the motorway: 56 km, to the city center: 9 km, to the next cross-country ski run: 20 km, to the lake: 19 km

Location and how to get there

Inquire about Schlosshotel Rosenau

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