EV13 Stage 5: Hardegg - Znaim

Cycling route for excursions from Hardegg to Znaim

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Elevation profile

27,83 km length

Tour dates
  • Route: 27,83 km
  • Ascent: 265 egm
  • Descent: 324 egm
  • Duration: 2:00 h
  • Lowest point: 223 m
  • Highest point:436 m

Details for: EV13 Stage 5: Hardegg - Znaim

Brief description



From Hardegg, you will ascend across the restored border bridge and through the Podyjí National Park to the visitors’ centre of Čížov with well-preserved structures dating from the Iron Curtain. From here it is not far to the royal town and the capital of wine, Znojmo.

You will go through the Podyjí National Park until you reach the visitor centre in Čížov, where you can see 350 meters of well-preserved Iron Curtain structures, including a watchtower. From Podyjí the route will take you to Znojmo, extremely rich in interesting sights. The town offers a well-preserved historical centre with winding streets and small squares, which attest to the Gothic origins of the town. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the Znojmo underground.

Along the route, there are dozens of bunkers and fortresses built before World War II.

Starting point of the tour


Destination point of the tour


Route description EV13 Stage 5: Hardegg - Znaim

From Hardegg you will cross the border bridge to the Czech Podyjí National Park. A steep climb (6-7%) leads into the forest, but you will be rewarded with an unforgettable view of the fairy-tale castle of Hardegg from a vantage point on a rock on the Moravian side, towering over a canyon 80 metres deep. In Čížov you will find a visitor centre for the Podyjí National Park and 350 m of well-preserved Iron Curtain structures including a watchtower. From Čížov continue down to the Čížovský pond and further on to Lukov, where the asphalt road will give way to a forest road. There is also a place providing technical help and first aid to cyclists. The forest road continues up to Podmolí. The landscape grows calmer here. The route to Znojmo leads through Mašovice, where you can refresh yourself in the clear water of the Mašovice quarry in summer. It is followed by the historically rich Hradiště over the town of Znojmo, where the Monastery of Knights with the Red Star is worth visiting, along with the Chapel of St. Anthony of Padua and the nearby chapel of Elijah, from where you can see the western panorama of ancient Znojmo. You will then make the last descent to the bottom of the valley from where you can see the town of Znojmo on a rocky plateau above the Thaya River, and the last part of the route is about a one-kilometre climb to Znojmo (5–6%). The town’s glorious history is best documented by its numerous architectural monuments, which together offer a sample of all building styles: the castle grounds with a Baroque château and a national cultural heritage site, the Romanesque rotunda of the Virgin Mary and later St. Catherine, or the monumental Gothic Deanery Church of St. Nicholas and another half-dozen medieval churches and monasteries, including the vast complex of buildings belonging to the Premonstratensian Abbey of Louka. Sunny arcade courtyards and elegantly vaulted maashauses offer a seating area, a mysterious medieval labyrinth of underground corridors invites you for adventurous expeditions, while wine cellars invite you to sample a range of great Moravian wines.

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Verantwortlicher für den Inhalt dieser Tour
Weinviertel Tourismus GmbH
Letzte Aktualisierung: 26.02.2024

Burg Hardegg


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Author's tip

When visiting Znojmo, don’t miss the Znojmo underground, one of the largest underground labyrinths in Central Europe, which dates back to the 14th century. Several types of sightseeing routes are offered, from lighter ones for families with children to high-adrenaline ones where people have to crawl in places or go down on their knees.

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